The purpose of this qualification is to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and practical using the latest agricultural techniques in the perspective of Animal Production (Poultry, Piggery, small stock, dairy, beef and fish) in order to be able to manage, market, process and maintain a farm in a sustainable manner. It also equips students with the necessary knowledge and skills to further their studies beyond diploma in agriculture in animal production level.

Animal production at TSCA   introduces students to animals (livestock and fish) in the agricultural sector. It focuses on the breeding, feeding and rearing of cattle, poultry, piggery, fish and small stock (sheep and goat) in captivity in a sustainable manner. It also involves studying the production of different feed and health care of agricultural animals as well as processing and marketing of agricultural commodities.


Animal production is a full time 3-year diploma qualification with experiential training in the last semester of the 3rd year.​

Career Opportunities

​Upon completion of this qualification, students can become:​​​​
  • ​Entrepreneurs (Farmers)
  • Farm Managers
  • Agricultural Technicians and
  • ​​Further studies at universities