
Improving the efficiency for farming practices by controlling inputs to match site-specific needs is becoming increasingly important in farming activities as the economic margins in farming continues to narrow. However, balancing the inputs and outputs on a farm is fundamental to its success and profitability. The main aim of our laboratory is to provide sample analysis services to farmers and researchers mainly in Limpopo province and other parts of the country in order to improve yield in crop production.

The general objective of our laboratory is:

To perform analysis in soil, water, and plant tissue samples using scientific analytical methodology in order to present precise analytical results and recommendations to our clients within acceptable time frame.

Summary of activities performed in the laboratory services:

Our laboratory is able to offer standard analysis on samples for agricultural purposes and also give recommendations based on the analytical results for improvement in crop production. The laboratory has competent staff with expertise in sampling, analysing and interpretation of results. The analyses of samples are performed using approved scientific methodologies and relevant instrumentation which are well serviced, maintained and calibrated for robust outputs.

Sampling and analyses of samples are done following our day to day laboratory operational manual procedures. We observe good laboratory practices (GLP) rules and regulations and abide by the requirements of ISO/IEC17025 standards.

Samples will be tested for the following parameters:

  1. Electrical Conductivity (EC)
  2. pH
  3. Cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na)
  4. Phosphorus (P)
  5. Particle size distribution / Texture (Clay, Silt and Sand percentage)
  6. Organic Carbon
  7. Turbidity (water samples)
  8. Others (as requested by client)

TSCA laboratory has affiliated with the National Laboratory Association (NLA) and Agricultural Laboratories of Southern Africa (AgriLASA) for monitoring of quality services offered to our clients. ​