The college provides advisory support services to farmers (emerging, subsistent and commercial) and the community at large. The support services include amongst others soil classification and analyses, extension services, learnership programs, short learning programs and outreach services.

Farmer Training

The college provides farmer training in animal production, plant production, agribusiness and computer applications. This is provided through placing farmers on different accredited and non-accredited (this can be applied through Local Agricultural Office) skills programs at different NQF levels.

Farm visits

Farm visits are mainly done in three ways:

Need Analysis
Upon receipt of a request for any kind of support either directly from the farmer or relevant Local Agricultural Office, the college will then visit the farmer to assess and gather the ne​eds.

Conduct Advisory Service
This is the general advisory service which includes animal production, plant production, agribusiness and computer applications etc.

Aftercare Service
Aftercare Service is offered to clients who received any kind of support from the college. This is done to check the effectiveness of intervention provided to the client.
