Cultural practices

The college, through Agricultural extension, Economics and Partnership section advices on indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) that community members may practice. The section offers trainings and workshops on IKS and target those that are interested in IKS practice and the use of herbs. IKS is a farming system that focuses on nature and how natural resources can best be used for agricultural cultural purposes. The section offers indigenous farming systems, indigenous post-harvest technology and indigenous agrometereology and climatology.

On a yearly basis, the college celebrates heritage day by letting its official and students to wear a variety of traditional attire from different cultural practices. On occasions, an exposure/ exhibit days are arranged for community members practicing IKS to showcase their products to students. Traditional food from different cultures is served on that day.


The college has social and recreational activities such as choir, soccer, netball, aerobics and volley ball. All sport activities are overseen by the TSCA sporting committee. Students whose preferred sports are not available at the college may join outside clubs at their own risks, provided such activities would not interfere with the college's academic programme. ​